Lydia Wood
3 min read
Why COVID-19 Impacts Domestic Violence
Worldwide domestic violence reports have risen sharply amid the global pandemic and the lockdowns it has caused, and that’s just the...

Lydia Wood
8 min read
4 Steps to Marie Kondo Your Mind
One of the most pervasive and hardest hurdles for trauma survivors to climb over during the healing process is the damage done to the...

Lydia Wood
3 min read
5 Tips for Healing From an Abusive Relationship in February
When trauma has occurred in the context of a relationship, relationships themselves can become a trigger. For that reason, it can be hard...

Lydia Wood
5 min read
6 Things to Do When Someone You Know is Trafficked
There are roughly 46 million people being trafficked to date, and that estimation continues to grow as more and more organizations focus...

Lydia Wood
4 min read
The Relationship Cup
Relationships, for most of us, are never simple. Perhaps when we were young things seemed straightforward. It was hard to understand why...

Lydia Wood
3 min read
Taking Clean Vacations: A Post-Recovery Travel Guide
Planning your first post-rehab vacation? Traveling is a good way to fend off triggers, like stress and anxiety, but avoiding alcohol on...

Lydia Wood
3 min read
When Your Friend is Accused
So, while we’ve given a good amount of solid advice for how to respond when your friend says they’ve been abused, we haven’t really...

Lydia Wood
3 min read
Addiction Recovery: How to Go from Surviving to Thriving
It’s tempting to think about your recovery just in terms of your sobriety, and while abstinence is, of course, an important benchmark of...

Lydia Wood
2 min read
Partner Abuse in the LGTBQ+ Community
Abusers in LGBTQ+ relationships, believe it or not, use the same tactics as violent partners in heterosexual relationships, including...

Lydia Wood
3 min read
Recover from Addiction with Art & Music Therapy
The Benefits of Art & Music Therapy Both art and music therapy are used as supplemental treatments to help reduce stress and anxiety...